Richard Allen Weight Loss Success Story – The Story So Far

The author, Richard Earl Allen, has written an interesting little book called, ”Rance Allens Weight Loss Program.” It’s a very good primer for anyone who’s thinking about starting a solid plan to lose weight. He’s a big fan of the Zone Diet, and he gives a lot of attention to the types of food he eats, as well as the types of exercises he does. The Zone Diet was quite popular several years ago, and Richard Allen has made it even more accessible through this book.


There are chapters that cover what foods to eat and which not to eat. Richard Earl Allen covers the foods that you should be adding to your diet if you want to lose weight, as well as the foods that he says are not necessary. He divides his advice into three parts: diet, exercise, and supplements. I think the main theme throughout is that one must be consistent. One cannot be an effective and efficient fat burning machine or dietician if they are only doing half of what should be done on a daily basis.

Richard Earl Allen was born in St. Louis in 1924. His father was a prosperous attorney, and Richard spent much of his early years traveling from city to city. He attended the University of Chicago, where he earned a degree in marketing and then went on to teach for several years in the federal government, including in the White House.

Richard’s middle years were less eventful, but he still remained a devoted Christian and, at an advanced age, became a member of the ranks of the LDS church. By the late eighties, he was already a big fan of Eastern philosophies on life. That’s when he decided to get serious about gaining some weight and building some muscle. He had heard about a book called ”Net Worth” by Roy Baer and thought it would be something of a fitful introduction to bodybuilding.

Richard began working with the company that created Net Worth in 1985. At an age of 71 years old, he had lost most of his body weight, and so this was a welcome change. The work involved in building muscle took Richard all over his own body. He found that by working with the program, he was able to achieve some measure of success in terms of increasing his own self-confidence and achieving a more muscular body. Because of his experiences with the company, Richard began to have conversations with the late LDS Church prophet, Elder Delbert L. Stevens.

Through his conversations with Stevens, Richard learned about his calling as a ”miracle worker.” According to Elder Stevens, Richard was told that he would be able to accomplish many things in his life as a miracle worker. Specifically, Richard was told that he would be able to go into heaven. In addition, Richard was also told that he would be able to perform ward blessings for many people. After discussing the church with Elder Stevens, Richard decided to pursue his dreams of going to heaven, and joining the Presidency of the church.

While working closely with Ward Young, Richard began to have the opportunity to start researching the gospel records of Elder Thomas Smelter, also known as Thomasector. Though, he only focused on the life of Elder Young, as Smelter’s life was important to him as well. During this time, he also worked with two other gospel musicians, Bill Hamel and Robert Downey Jr. After becoming impressed with their efforts in studying the scriptures, he decided to dedicate himself to finding out more information about these men.

After dedicating his time to the researching of the gospel records of Elder Young and Elder Smelter, Richard started to have what he considered to be a near death experience. After being told by a doctor that he had just months before he would pass away, Richard began to have a strong conviction that he must go through a medical procedure in order to prove to the world that he was indeed a genuine medical professional. Thus began the preparations for his surgery. Though, he passed out several times due to anesthesia during his first few hours of surgery, he managed to survive. Afterwards, Richard was given a certificate that year for ”Expertise in Gospel Music”, which is presented in front of the General congregation of Niagara Falls, New York on the 1st December of each year.

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